University Masterplan progresses and Phase 1 of Molecular Sciences Completes

Phase 1 of Molecular Sciences has handed over to the University of Birmingham! We’re thrilled to showcase the finished 11,250sm² facility and what will be a collaborative base for 500 researchers in chemical, environmental and biomolecular sciences. It is a building that is sustainable by design and Carbon bench-marking on this scheme will inform further carbon reductions on future phases of Molecular Sciences development and beyond.. Passive design principles were employed throughout and it features high performance thermal and airtightness in the façade design. Intelligent structural solutions have significantly reduced embodied carbon whilst meeting stringent vibration performance requirements.

Flexibility is always an important feature in any academic space but for this building designed for highly specialised and dynamic research the right approach was crucial. The scheme is driven by a vision that will allow the university to strengthen its core research capabilities by creating a “fizzing intellectual atmosphere in flexible science space that will help transform working practice, with a focus on challenge-led thematic research”.

Phase 1, is a BREEAM Excellent building that features high quality laboratories, offices, meeting spaces and associated infrastructure, providing specialised accommodation for its occupants.

Bolton Medical Building Completes
Bolton Medical Building Completes


With State of the Art Facilities the Bolton Institute of Medical Sciences is a major investment to address a critical skills shortage