Macmillan Coffee Morning 2016

This year we held our Macmillan Coffee Morning back a few days later than prescribed to allow the staff to get baking over the weekend.

We are very pleased to announce that we surpassed last year’s total, raising just over £300 (3rd record in a row for us). Macmillan provide invaluable support to those in contact with cancer, whether diagnosed or caring for a cancer sufferer. We are very proud to support them anyway we can.

Thank you to all who arrived hungry, ate, donated and baked.

Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!
Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!


Planning Approved for Transformative Student Accommodation Project in Birmingham City Centre.

3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!
3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!


We are thrilled that 3 colleagues all undertook and passed their Part 3 exams to become qualified architects