AJ100 results

We reached number 73 in the annual AJ100 shortlist this year, after missing out in 2016.

The list is a ranking of the largest architectural practices in the UK, measured by the number of qualified architects employed, fees, turnover and other company statistics.

We were also shortlisted for ‘Practice of the Year’ for the first time this year but sadly didn’t take the trophy home, but given the high calibre of practices nominated we were in very good company.

Onwards to next year!

Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!
Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!


Planning Approved for Transformative Student Accommodation Project in Birmingham City Centre.

3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!
3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!


We are thrilled that 3 colleagues all undertook and passed their Part 3 exams to become qualified architects