Lancaster Circus used as Case Study in Local Government Estate Management Report

“1 Lancaster Circus”:, the Central Administrative Buildings for Birmingham City Council, has been used as a case study for ‘strategic asset management’ in a public sector research inquiry to examine how Local government can save money and improve services through better management of their property assets.

The report, ‘Leaner and Greener: Delivering Effective Estate Management’ by the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum found that public sector organisations can deliver up to £7 billion of savings through sustainable and strategic asset management.

According to the report, Lancaster Circus “generated savings of £3.5 million per year in running costs and achieved a carbon reduction of 40%. Additional benefits included increased productivity through new ways of working and making staff less dependent upon a fixed desk to do their job.”

It is predicted that the project will deliver over £100 million in savings over the next 25 years.

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