Greenbuild Award Winner

At this years’ Greenbuild Awards, Associated Architects’ Eco Vicarage in Stourbridge won the Domestic Newbuild category. The judges felt the Passivhaus standard, coupled with the challenging waste and water reduction targets, illustrated what can be done with a holistic green approach. The vicarage, delivered by Speller Metcalfe, is one of a number throughout the Worcester diocese. They are the first homes in England to achieve both zero carbon (Code for Sustainable Homes level 6) and Passivhaus standards, making them benchmarks for future development.

John Christophers, of Associated Architects said, _‘We’re incredibly proud of the Eco Vicarages and what they stand for. The industry is picking up on the importance of building green, and we’re glad to be at the forefront of this change. Our team are closely monitoring building performance, to learn any lessons from this cutting edge scheme and feed them back into future projects. We hope more buildings like the Vicarages will be springing up across the country.’_


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