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New Work – Birmingham Dog’s Home
New Work – Birmingham Dog’s Home

23.07.12 News & Events

We have been appointed to design a new centre for Birmingham Dogs’ Home, a local charity which rescues and cares for stray dogs from across the West Midlands and South Staffordshire. This exciting project will enable them to further develop their vital work of re-uniting lost pets with their owners and finding new homes for […]
July: We’re Hiring….
July: We’re Hiring….

20.07.12 News & Events

Senior Architects required. Please see our “Recruitment”: page for details:
K2TOG Knit 2 Together Art Project Installation Begins
K2TOG Knit 2 Together Art Project Installation Begins

19.07.12 News & Events

Birmingham based knitting graffiti artist group “Stitches and Hos”: has begun to install their Olympic themed project on the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery entrance portico. Around 890 balls of wool have been used by approximately 1000 knitters to create the sleeves for the columns. The colours chosen are those of the Olympic rings and […]
Associated Architects Deliver
Associated Architects Deliver

19.07.12 News & Events

As early Building Information Modelling (BIM) adopters Associated Architects is using the technology to deliver cutting edge facilities for Birmingham City University well ahead of the Government mandate requiring BIM to be used on public projects from 2015. The £45m project to create the new Birmingham Institute of Art & Design in the Eastside area […]
AJ Retrofit Awards
AJ Retrofit Awards

03.07.12 News & Events

We were very pleased to discover today that three of our completed projects for the University of Birmingham have been shortlisted for the AJ Retrofit Awards 2012. “Muirhead Tower”: “Gisbert Kapp”: “Met & Mat”: Winners are announced at an award sceremony on the 12th September 2012.
EcoVicarage on BBC Newsround
EcoVicarage on BBC Newsround

19.06.12 News & Events

BCC Newround has featured the recently completely Eco Vicarage at Penzer Street, Kingswinford as an exemplar of sustainable home building. The EcoVicarage at Penzer Street achieves a double first: the first home in England to achieve the twin gold standards of environmental performance. First, zero carbon (level 6) under the UK Code for Sustainable Homes, […]
Three Peaks Challenge
Three Peaks Challenge

28.05.12 News & Events

Over what appeared to be the hottest, most cloudless weekend of the year so far, Simon Jesson climbed Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon with a team from Couch Perry Wilkes covering over 24 miles of walking, 450 driving and just over 10,000ft climbing in under 24 hours. Together they raised well over £2,500 for […]
Another award for Woodcock Street
Another award for Woodcock Street

21.05.12 News & Events

10 Woodcock Street has won the OAS Development Awards 2012 – Best Development oustide Central London! The judges said “The rejuvenation of this brownfield site has consolidated numerous offices into a single building that has resulted in a complete seachange in attitude in the workplace”. Congratulations to BCC.
AJ100 Award Winner!
AJ100 Award Winner!

17.05.12 News & Events

We are delighted to announce that we have won the *AJ100 Midlands Practice of the Year* award! Adam Wardle and James Hall were on hand to recieve the award at last night’s glittering awards evening at the Grange Hotel in London. We’d like to say a huge thanks to our clients for their continuing trust […]
K2TOG Installation at BMAG
K2TOG Installation at BMAG

27.04.12 News & Events

We have been helping to support K2TOG, a spectacular graffiti knitting installation project at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in Chamberlain Square, which will welcome and celebrate the Jamaican and American teams stay in Birmingham this summer for London 2012. The colours of the Olympian woolly intervention will match those of the teams’ national flags […]