K2TOG Installation at BMAG

We have been helping to support K2TOG, a spectacular graffiti knitting installation project at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in Chamberlain Square, which will welcome and celebrate the Jamaican and American teams stay in Birmingham this summer for London 2012.

The colours of the Olympian woolly intervention will match those of the teams’ national flags and the Olympic Rings logo, and will be unveiled to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games on 27 July. Made up of hundreds of knitted squares, the project will use 1,300 balls of wool and take an estimated 4,500 hours to create.

K2TOG also aims to pass on the skill of hand knitting to those who have little experience of traditional crafts.

The knitting is being undertaken by volunteers in a unit in Palisades shopping centre, so pop along if you can help out and want to get involved.

“Stitches and Hos”:http://stitchesandhos.wordpress.com/

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3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!
3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!


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