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Birmingham Dogs’ Home Plans Submitted
Birmingham Dogs’ Home Plans Submitted

16.05.13 News & Events

Associated Architects have submitted plans for a new purpose-built “dog rescue and welfare centre”: on the outskirts of Solihull. The project sits in a 12.45 acre site of peaceful, semi-rural land, creating a stress free environment for the lost and abandoned dogs. The building is designed to rigorous Passive design strategy and aims to achieve […]
Ranked 44th in the AJ100 2013
Ranked 44th in the AJ100 2013

15.05.13 News & Events

This month Associated Architects was ranked 44th in the AJ100, a huge growth from last year’s position of 70th. AA was also recognised as the largest Practice operating solely out of Birmingham. Results, collected as part of a national survey of architectural practices, are calculated based on the number of ARB-registered architects employed by the […]
Greenbuild Award Winner
Greenbuild Award Winner

14.05.13 News & Events

At this years’ Greenbuild Awards, Associated Architects’ Eco Vicarage in Stourbridge won the Domestic Newbuild category. The judges felt the Passivhaus standard, coupled with the challenging waste and water reduction targets, illustrated what can be done with a holistic green approach. The vicarage, delivered by Speller Metcalfe, is one of a number throughout the Worcester […]
Associated Architects’ Blog Launched
Associated Architects’ Blog Launched

03.05.13 News & Events

Associated Architects is proud to announce it has entered the world of blogging. The site, which launched today, is aimed at expanding on the inspirations and thought processes behind the work we do. Over the coming weeks the blog will be integrated into the main site, allowing people to move between the two with ease. […]
10 Year Anniversary
10 Year Anniversary

01.05.13 News & Events

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of the Practice as a Limited Liability Partnership, which has been a vital part of its growth over the past forty five years. Staff were treated to a cake break, while the directors ran a slide show looking at the history of the Practice and the people who have […]
Birmingham New Street Half Time Switch Over
Birmingham New Street Half Time Switch Over

29.04.13 News & Events

Today many Midlands businesses and commuters were met with the half time switch over at Birmingham New Street. The current work is aiming to reinvent the tired ‘Gateway to the West Midlands.’ Associated Architects’ director James Hall said of the switch over: _‘The half-time switch over marks a major milestone in fundamentally changing the way […]
Buildings that Shaped Birmingham
Buildings that Shaped Birmingham

12.04.13 News & Events

Yesterday the concluding part of ‘Buildings that shaped Birmingham’, an architectural overview by director Matthew Goer, was featured in the Birmingham Post. The two part series has been a study into how historic, social and political issues have impacted on the building styles and requirements of Birmingham, using particular buildings as representatives for their era. […]
Yarm School Cladding
Yarm School Cladding

11.04.13 News & Events

Rain screen cladding has been mounted to the back of the performance hall at Associated Architects’ “Yarm School redevelopment”: The 186 panels are arranged in four bands wrapping around the back of the hall in a bespoke perforation pattern, which was developed with the sub-contractor. Barbora Bott, lead Architect on the project said, ‘The panels […]
UoB Library Gains Approval
UoB Library Gains Approval

04.04.13 News & Events

We are delighted to discover that Birmingham City Council have approved the proposed plans for the new £37m “Campus Library”: at the University of Birmingham. A member of the Planning Committee described the new building as ‘Art Lego’. The new 6 storey library, with an EPC rating A and BREEAM Excellent will reduce energy usage […]
….in the press
….in the press

04.04.13 News & Events

Today marked the start of a two part feature, in the Birmingham Post, by Associated Architects. The double page spread, found at the heart of the paper, is a potted history of the most important buildings in Birmingham’s history, discussed by Director, Matthew Goer. Today’s feature starts in 1880, with the Birmingham School of Art, […]