University School of Engineering tops out

We have celebrated the topping out of the new School of Engineering building at the University of Birmingham

The topping out of the building marked the latest step in the the new 12,681 square metre facility, which will comprise of 2,500 square metres dedicated to research partnerships with the rail industry as part of the UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN). UKRRIN is a £92 million partnership between the rail supply chain and eight universities.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham Professor Andy Schofield carried out the ceremonial duties. He said:

“We are whole-heartedly committed to providing the very best facilities for tomorrow’s engineers, and this building is set to put generations of undergraduates in the right direction for a successful career. It has been a pleasure to celebrate the topping out of this building, and I am particularly delighted to have some of our students here to witness it.”

Associated Architects Director Warren Jukes said:

“Our design responds to the university’s vision of creating a hub for enabling and showcasing sector-leading research collaborations, and effectively training the next generation of engineers.  We’ve immensely enjoyed leading its development with a wide range of stakeholders.  Today marks an exciting milestone in seeing that vision taking form on site!”

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