Recently Associated Architects held an interactive, architectural careers event at the Midlands Art Centre (MAC) in association with Birmingham City University’s STEAMhouse. The event, “She Built That” took place on 5th July and was aimed at young women from a local secondary school who were interested in careers in the built environment. The students, from Niskham High School, were part of a day-long session which included talks by Associated Architects staff on a range of topics such as, what responsibilities an architect has, what makes up a Design Team, and the key considerations when designing structures. They heard from a variety of AA technical staff with a wide range of industry experience. Alex Rudge, Associate, Lauren Francis, Part II Architectural Assistant, Zoe Brittle an Architectural Technologist and Zuzanna Dagon a University of Bath Architecture undergraduate student on a placement.

During the day the year 10 students undertook competitive tasks that showed them how structures are designed and build. The two tasks` were to build a da Vinci bridge that could support its own weight and then designing and constructing a full-size chair from recyclable cardboard without the use of adhesives. The competition was judged by Harry Conway and Jan Waterston from STEAMhouse.

The day was made possible by the hard work of AA staff and the MAC, additionally Orangebox supplied the carboard materials and sponsorship money, with Camira supplying fabrics. Thanks to everyone involved that made the day a success!

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