Edward Boyle Library, Leeds

Associated Architects are currently looking at the refurbishment works of the Edward Boyle Library for the University of Leeds. The library was originally designed by architects Chamberlain, Powell and Bon in 1959 as part of a larger campus building strategy, opening in 1975 by former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. The Building itself was given Grade II listed status in June 2010.

James Hall, Director for Associated Architects said, _“To make the Edward Boyle Library a world leading student resource we need to understand the heritage significance of the building and how that relates to its setting within the University. We’re excited to be involved with the building and to bring our higher education experience into play on such a unique project.”_

Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!
Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!


Planning Approved for Transformative Student Accommodation Project in Birmingham City Centre.

3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!
3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!


We are thrilled that 3 colleagues all undertook and passed their Part 3 exams to become qualified architects