Double win at the RIBA Awards

Last night Associated Architects picked up two awards in the RIBA 2013 regionals.

“The Michael Baker Boathouse”:, for Kings School in Worcester, won in the West Midlands category, with the judges describing it as, _‘…very well detailed and made’_ and praised it for _‘an impressive zero carbon standard.’_

Our Princess Alexandra Auditorium, at “Yarm School”:, picked up the regional award for the North East, with the building being described as, _‘a technically effective and well-planned auditorium.’_ It’s also won client of the year.

Director Matthew Goer said, _‘These awards are testament to the hard work of our team to meet the vision and ambition of our clients. We’re incredibly proud of these two projects and the enjoyment they’re going to bring to the young people who use them.’_

Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!
Cambrian Gets the Go-Ahead!


Planning Approved for Transformative Student Accommodation Project in Birmingham City Centre.

3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!
3 for 3 in Part 3 Passes!


We are thrilled that 3 colleagues all undertook and passed their Part 3 exams to become qualified architects