BCO Award for Woodcock Street

Associated Architects is pleased to announce that our building at “10 Woodcock Street”:http://www.www.associated-architects.co.uk/projects/workplace/woodcock-street/, for Birmingham City Council (BCC), won the corporate workplace award in the British Council for Office awards, Midlands & East Anglia category. The development has allowed BCC to provide excellent support facilities for 2,300 workstations and 3,000 staff.

Peter Jones, Head of Property for Birmingham City Council said, _‘Associated Architects has delivered an inspiring office project for the City Council with a real clarity of organisation and great visual impact – in my opinion the best new office building in Birmingham.’_

Associate, Simon Alexander said, _‘We’re incredibly proud of 10 Woodcock Street, it’s great to see it winning recognition with this award. Offices are always exciting projects, we’re certain that this one sets a high quality precedent for practical and attractive corporate workplaces.’_

Bolton Medical Building Completes
Bolton Medical Building Completes


With State of the Art Facilities the Bolton Institute of Medical Sciences is a major investment to address a critical skills shortage