Project Value:
Through numerous prior ad hoc additions and refurbishment, the Faculty had struggled with spaces that were inefficient, inflexible, territorial and limited research growth. Schools and research groups had distinct areas and replicated expensive technical facilities such as fume hoods, centrifuges, cold stores, tissue culture rooms and a host of other generic laboratory systems.
Our solution sought to break down the silo mentality by opening up the space and promoting journeys around the building, and removing the unnecessary duplication of space. We challenged the existing space norms and increased the space planning densities where appropriate to do so, as well as challenging the current number and size of teaching labs required.
Through phased refurbishment and the additional new building containing plant growth suites and sports biology research area, the aim is to introduce a new flexible approach to laboratory and office environments that promotes collaboration and centralise all common or shared equipment.
Extensive briefing was undertaken alongside consultants iDEA to establish the amount of time different users spend in laboratories, offices, ancillary spaces and specialist labs which guides the target areas required to meet the School’s growing academic and research body from 450 to circa 600 staff. An inventory of technical equipment was made and a strategy of centralise prep areas, and specialist shared equipment was formulated.
Schools and research groups were moved out of individual labs where possible into shared common lab environments that are more responsive to changing research demands, natural growth and shrinkage in research groups and are organised into efficient non-territorial open laboratory environments.
Through analysis it was identified that most research groups can operate in generic lab environments using desktop or floor mounted equipment and rigs. With a strictly controlled 3.3m grid amendments can be made over time and localised specialist rooms, such as Home Office approved environments for animals, can created or removed.
Highly serviced technical spaces such as CAT 3 laboratories, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, flow cytometry, and bio imaging facilities are co-located to allow efficient servicing and easy access by all groups. Corridors are enhanced with shared facilities to promote ‘corridor conversation’ and collaboration. Utilisation surveys and timetabling improvement have already identified space savings.